Google Clips is a tiny camera that uses AI to automatically photograph moments


Google Clips is a tiny camera that uses AI to automatically photograph family moments

Google Clips is a tiny camera that uses AI to automatically photograph family moments

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In addition to its Pixel phones and Home devices, Google announced a surprise today during its Pixel event. The company has come out with a camera that uses artificial intelligence to capture intimate moments that you aren’t able to get on your own. If your dog or baby is camera-shy, you can plant the Google Clips camera somewhere nearby to automatically take photos for you. The camera is trained to capture soundless video of faces and pets that it recognizes.

As shown in the demo onstage, Google Clips looks to be targeting parents and pet owners, allowing them to focus more on interacting with their kids and pets than holding a camera in their hand. By only capturing soundless video, Google Clips dodges any laws against wiretaps. When the camera is on, an LED light blinks to let those in the room know they are being photographed.

“How do you let yourself capture those fleeting moments, while being part of the moment?” asks Google product manager Juston Payne.

You can export the recordings as video, photos, or GIFs. It comes in a two-tone white-and-teal color pairing, with a battery life of three hours of continuous use. It has a 12-megapixel sensor and a 130-degree field-of-view lens, and takes photos at 15 fps. Lastly, it has 16GB of internal memory.

It’s currently only compatible with Pixels, iPhone 8 and 8 Plus, and the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S8, and the photos are transferred over from the camera to devices through Wi-Fi. The Google Clips camera will be available for $249.


For an exclusive look at all the new Google devices announced, check out our interview with CEO Sundar Pichai.

估價收購Nothing Phone(2)旗艦手機於去年8月登台上市,採6.7吋OLED螢幕,配置5000 萬畫素雙主鏡頭(廣角、超廣角),搭載Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 晶片與4700mAh 電池。12GB搭256GB容量,售價21,900元。(圖/記者黃肇祥攝)

新創品牌Nothing,繼去年推出搭載高通8+ Gen 1 處理器的 Nothing Phone(2)旗艦手機後,預計今年將推出的中階新機Nothing Phone(2a),官方已預告將於3月5日正式發表亮相,並搶先透露將是全球首款搭載聯發科天7200 Pro處理器的手機。

天機7200 Pro處理器是以基於台積電四奈米製程第二代工藝所打造的中階晶片,預期在降低功耗、讀寫速度反應與記憶體效能方面,將具備有帶比標準版天機7200處理器更加優化的性能表現。

估價收購Nothing Phone (2a)中階新機,官方預告將於3月5日發表。(圖翻攝Nothing官網)

距發表時間到來剩下不到兩個星期,爆料客Onleak 於個人X社群平台Po出,據稱是Nothing Phone(2a) 中階新機外觀的最新渲染圖版本。機背除延續招牌特色的 Glyph Interface 發光條設計之外,最引人注目的亮點,在於機背雙
估價收購相機鏡頭模組的造型,首次採用並列式鏡頭的大圓框設計,藉此與跟去年與前年推出的Nothing Phone 手機(垂直排列的鏡頭模組)作為區隔。

此外,圓框外圍將會有三組的Glyph Interface 發光條,其中兩組燈條在鏡頭的左側,一組則分布在鏡頭的右側。

估價收購爆料客Onleaks曝光據稱是Nothing Phone (2a)中階新機的機身外觀設計的渲染圖。(圖翻攝Onleaks個人社群平台)

至於在其他規格配置方面,據外媒Smartprix 彙整相關傳聞指出,即將登場的 Nothing Phone(2a)中階新機,仍維持6.7吋的AMOLED螢幕,並內建5千豪安培的大電池容量,支援45W的快速充電。雙
估價收購相機鏡頭由廣角搭配超廣角所組合、皆為 5000 萬畫素。價格則傳出預估有望落在 25,000 印度盧比(約合台幣9,500元)起。將提供兩種規格版本,包括有:8GB記憶體搭128GB容量、以及12GB記憶體搭256GB容量。另,還將內建AI生成桌布與支援IP54生活防水性能。



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